Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why try to become healthy and fit and stay healthy and fit!

Back in 2004, I was 20 lbs heavier and I couldn't run 100 m to save my life!

One day, as I was playing swords outside with my young boys, I realized that, if one day I had to grab my youngest son in my arms, hold my older son by the hand and start running for our lives, we'd be dead!!!

That's when I decided to take my health into my own hands and started eating healthier and exercising.

The eating better was not too hard because my mother taught us right, but the exercising was going to be a challenge. I wondered what could I do that would make me happy and that would push my limits.


Yes, I loved running but....I was so fat and had not stamina, or so I thought. For when I started running, it didn't take long for me to start seeing results!

First, I started running on the track. I didn't like the treadmill. On the track, I could actually see that I could run longer and faster every week.
Then I started doing Tae kwondo with my boys. No, I didnt earn any belts because I did it only for the strengthening and the stretching that it provided.
Finally, a few times a week, I did a bit of weight lifting, focusding on my arms (remember about me carrying my youngest son?) and my core.

The results were astonishing!

After six months, I had lost 20 lbs of fat, had gain lean muscle and, most importantly, could run 5k without being out of breath!

Since then, I gained just a few lbs but I can still run a 5k and have a strong core.

So, next time you tell yourself you need to get healthy and fit, If doing for your own good Is not motivating enough, do it for your kids, or for the persons you love and care for.

Just sayin'...


Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vitamin waters....the natural way!

Big beverage companies have made millions selling vitamin waters to ignorant consumers.

Have you read the labels? What do they put in there that is worth the money they sell them for?

I don't know because I don't buy them. But I'm quite sure that what they put in is not as good and healthy as what I put in mine!

To make vitamin water, you just need water, and fruits/vegetables that have vitamins in them! As simple as that! And it costs almost nothing!

So, commercial vitamin water or your own? You choose.

I made the one pictured above with cucumbers and fresh mint from my garden this morning.

I added watermelon this afternoon. ;)


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Food, and its price.

I remember, when I was growing up, food was not cheap. My mother always bought good food, and never have I heard her say that she was going to get the cheapest of this, or the cheapest of that.

I buy my eggs from a farm, $2.50 for a dozen, it's 50 cents per egg. I think it's a good price.
Now, if I compare it to 89 cents for a dozen eggs at walmart, well yes, It's MORE expensive. So, what do I gain by buying the eggs at a farm? QUALITY, FOR A GOOD PRICE, and knowing that those eggs are laid by happy hens is a bonus! LOL!

Nowadays,  people are so used to buy cheap food, that they forget that buying food comes before buying a new cellphone, tv or computer. Priorities have completely changed, and food has become less important than stuff.... BIG CORP has played a major role in this, and I think their marketing agents are geniuses!  They can make the majority of people buy shit on a stick, and enjoy eating it!

Fortunately, some of us have realised that the only 2 things you have total control of, are food and skin care.

That is why I never skip on the price of food, and I make my own, all natural soaps and skin care products.

By the way, I don't beleive in being "politically correct", and I think that swearing is good for your health! ;-)

I can't wait to read your comments!


First blog post in 3 years....not that easy!

I used to blog.....A LOT!
Then, Life took over, and I stopped. I shouldn't have, I really enjoyed it.

What is this blog about?
Like all blogs, it's about the person who writes it, in this case, this blog is about me, Loulou the soapmaker, Louise the tattooed mom, the French lady, the cook.

What am I going to write about?
Let's see....soapmaking, tattoos,  food, GREEK FOOD, motorcycles, gardening, kids, politics, activism, ...what else???!!!

Is it going to be interesting?

How often am I going to blog?
IDK, but I'll try to write regularly.

So, let's cut to the chase and start the ride!
